Design Services
Our team will work with you—incorporating your photos, graphics, sketches, and ideas—to create a professional book cover that beautifully represents your book's contents.
Interior Page Layout
Careful planning and execution of the layout of your book is very important. Readers need to be able to easily follow the text of your book. Our professionals will help you create the best layout for your book.
Cover Design
The cover is the first opportunity you have to connect with potential readers. That's why at iUniverse we make sure that your cover will meet the professional standards for commercially successful books. After all, when a book is sitting on the shelf, potential readers don't look to see how a book is published. They only know whether the cover image draws their attention or the back cover copy makes them to want to read more. These elements make a great cover, and that is why we pay attention to these details when we are publishing your book.
Stock Images
All books published via the iUniverse standard publishing packages receive custom-designed covers, produced in full color. Within the realm of this custom-designed cover, you have the option to choose two images, free of charge, from the millions found through Getty Images.
Interior Black-and-White Illustrations
Elevate your book to the next creative level with custom artwork produced in our in-house art studio. The iUniverse team of seasoned studio artists will work with you to produce striking black-and-white illustrations that add visual interest to your book’s content.
Interior Color Illustrations
One of iUniverse's talented studio artists will use your descriptions and feedback to create custom color illustrations that reflect your book’s unique style.