Night Crossing


by Mary E. Martin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/20/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 430
ISBN : 9781491737156
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 430
ISBN : 9781491737170
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9781491737163

About the Book

Magical light suffuses Alexander Wainwright’s paintings. But he must find something new. A vision of a golden sphere studded with gems appears before him—the cosmic egg, source of all creativity. Next day, his art dealer shows him an unsigned painting of the very same cosmic egg dedicated to a Parisian pianist, Dumont. Does the cosmic egg exist not just in Alex’s imagination but in the real world? That burning question drives Alex to take the ferry—a night crossing— from Portsmouth to Caen and then onto Paris to find the pianist and the artist. On that trip, the elderly Miss Trump, enters Alex’s life with myriad mysterious effects. The ferry capsizes. Alex tries to save her and a young mother and her child. Miss Trump drowns but mother and child are safe. When her body is mistakenly cremated, Alex is seized with an inexplicable sense of responsibility and carries the ashes with him to Paris where he simply comes across Dumont playing in a café. The pianist says the painter, Anton, is in St. Petersburg. Still determined to carry the ashes, Alex travels by train to St. Petersburg to find the artist. Stunning revelations await him. Learning far more than imagined, he finally understands the meaning of his vision and the true purpose of carrying the ashes across Europe. But when he returns to London, he may find that he has lost what he cherishes most—Daphne, his love and muse. This tale is about love so strong it transcends life and death. It’s about cruelty and compassion, life, art and the magic of creation. All told, it speaks of that yearning within us for what lies beyond.

About the Author

Mary E. Martin is the author of two award-winning trilogies: The Osgoode Trilogy and The Trilogy of Remembrance. She grew up in Toronto, Canada, where she lives with her husband. They have three children and two grandchildren.