The UN-American Genocidal Complex
Book Details
About the Book
In the Book of Ecclesiastes God, the real One, emphatically states, “there is no new thing under the sun”. Human history is rife with man’s inhumanity to man and the 20th Century is no different. The 21st may even be the worst yet. One of the most egregious examples of this inhumanity has been the human sacrifices to “Mother Earth” (i.e., the Greek Gaia) and “her” husband, Baal, the ubiquitous sun god of history known as Lucifer and later Satan. The Canaanites, Druids and Mayans, ancient cultures yet somehow serving as the foundation of the so-called “New” Age, are examples of those that practiced human sacrifice including their own children to Baal and “his” wife, Gaia. Today this human sacrifice is hidden beneath a thin veneer of “science” known as “global warming”, “the population problem” and “the complete lives system”. And it’s all controlled by the “They” everyone refers to in some kind of blind faith as in “They” would never do that or “They” are going to do this and so on. Today “They” are known as the UN-American Genocidal Complex. There really isn’t anything new under the sun.
About the Author
Currently I reside in NJ where I was born and raised. I am a licensed professional engineer in three states and hold a Bachelors and MS in civil engineering. It is this technically oriented background that establishes the logical and scientific background that is incorporated in to my work.