Night Fell, Morning Rose

by Danny Rittman



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 5/7/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781440136740
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 308
ISBN : 9781440136764

About the Book

In the fantasy novel, Night Fell, Morning Rose two star-crossed lovers embark on a romantic journey from ancient times to medieval England, through early America, and the Holocaust in Poland before finally reaching their destiny in today’s world.

Verna is a respected medicine woman and teacher in her ancient village and, as a result, she is a forbidden beauty. When she unexpectedly meets Dror, a ruggedly handsome warrior by the clear, blue waters of a local river, they immediately fall in love and their passion for each other drives their every thought and action from that point forward. Because Dror has emptied her of her innocence, Verna must now sentence her new lover to execution. Already convinced after just one encounter that she loves him, she agonizes over how to rescue him from his unfair fate. And so begin the mystical revelations that surround these two lovers as they continue to meet over the centuries but for one reason or another, cannot find a way to be together forever.

Dror and Verna must persevere through incredible danger, weather catastrophes, horrifying experiences, and death in order to reach their destiny—no matter what it holds.

About the Author

Danny Rittman is a software designer with broad interests. Among them is romance – how it has manifested itself through history and across cultures, and perhaps more importantly how it has endured through history and across cultures. In this novel he is writing about love across lifetimes. The question then arises, is it imagination or reality?