Invitation To Love

108 Reminders for the Enlightened Ones

by Ivonne Delaflor



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/26/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780595670239
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780595338856
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780595786718

About the Book

Follow the Sanatan Dharma, the Eternal Religion of Prema, Divine Love, the one and only that can only be found in your heart. And remember: YOU must guide others to it through love, simplicity and truth. That is the only way. That is the unspoken, eternal and nameless way. Always remember that no time is ever wasted except for the time that "one" is not loving. Move out of the house of ignorance! There are better places to live. Ring, ring! Wake up! The Buddha nature and Christ-like energy within are ready to be reawakened in all. Become like a child! Enter the kingdom of heaven. The Christ and Buddha nature are within! So, where is the kingdom?

Excerpted from Invitation to Love.

108 Reminders for the Enlightened Ones

"The greatest blessing in my life was the gift of being in the physical presence of Babaji in Herrekhan in 1980. One day he said that he would be leaving his body, I asked him if he would still come to me if I asked. He simply looked at me and smiled knowingly and said: "Of course!" Recently, my work healing moved to a new level. Some of the recent miracles have been so powerful as to leave me shaky. I could only turn to God to keep myself stable and humble; and so I asked for his advice. Well, he has answered my request. And I imagine he will answer the prayers of many others, through the writings of Ivonne Delaflor. In them I recognize his voice, his humor, his teaching. Thank you Babaji! And thank you Ivonne for being such an open channel!"

Dan Brulé

Guchu Ram Singh

About the Author

Ivonne Delaflor is an author, teacher and spiritual practitioner. She has been called a modern female saint for her work with parents and children in Mexico. After a near death experience in 1989 she became a strong supporter of conscious evolution She founded the Mastery Life Non-profit Organization, to guide everyone in finding their full potential as blessed human beings.