Bridging The Opportunity Gap II

by Dr. Danielle Hyles



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/16/2025

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781663270207
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781663270191

About the Book

Bridging The Opportunity Gap II is an international comparative education leadership novel based in both Toronto, Canada and Sydney, Australia that explores the history, culture and organizational structure of its supports and barriers to uplift future school principals to system superintendent for a district within the school board. This is to motivate upcoming school principals to take their high education degrees, superintendent courses and other professional development opportunities to be promoted to higher education leadership senior roles of management and success.

About the Author

Dr. Danielle Hyles is an elementary vice principal for the Durham Catholic District School Board in Ontario, Canada. I am a trained researcher and presenter in equity, diversity and inclusive education development, learning and leadership. I attended Howard University for my Bachelor of Music Education, Harvard University for my Masters of Education in Education Administration, Planning and Social Policy and at the Ontario Institute for the Studies in Education at the University of Toronto for my Doctorate of Education in Comparative, International and Development Education and Theory and Policy Studies. My love for education is rooted in my passion and absolute joy for all children around the globe and to support all school and systemwide education community to work together towards a greater future for all our students. I would like to honour my daughter, Vivien Hyles-Rainford; my mother, Dianne Hyles; my father, Dr. Rudolph Hyles and stepmother, Patricia Hyles; my sister, Nicole Hyles and Jeffrey Hyles, my brother as well as my entire faith community.