SLAVE SCHOOLS: Why Are Black Students Held in Bondage of Failing Schools?

A Guidebook for Parents and Policymakers

by Armand A. Fusco Ed.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/21/2025

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 878
ISBN : 9781663269201
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 878
ISBN : 9781663269218

About the Book

SLAVE SCHOOLS WHY ARE BLACK STUDENTS HELD IN BONDAGE OF FAILING (SLAVE) SCHOOLS? Abstract This book is unique because it’s two books in one: Pt I includes all minorities to 2012; Pt II concentrates on black issues between 2012 to 2024 encompassing the racial agenda known as Critical Race Theory based on past slavery. However, it omits white slavery that started sooner, lasted longer and it was cheaper to buy white slaves than black slaves. More striking is that absolutely no mention is made of present-day bondage—slavery--where blacks are required by law to attend failing City Schools. Although there have been national and state reforms to close the achievement gap between blacks and whites none had succeeded. Among the efforts to do so is to eliminate meritocracy—measurements—and without testing there is no gap to measure. Another effort is simply to lower standards which 37 states have done. Furthermore, to hide the problem is introducing a major disruptor that does nothing to improve academic achievement such as the racial agenda that is causing money woes, chaos and conflict among parents and school officials. In its extreme form the concept is infused in every school subject K-12 requiring indoctrination rather than education. That’s the real issue causing the conflict. The problem is vividly illustrated with on the 2022 NAEP results with 75% of students below proficiency in math and 67% below in reading with blacks at 16%. Then followed by test two states, the Connecticut Enigma; and the simple solution with the Mississippi Miracle. Very important is a step-by-step approach to show what blacks can do to bring pressure on school officials and school boards to close or turnaround failing schools by kneeling and striking. When all else fails, then do the school board nightmare.

About the Author

Armand attended public schools in New Britain, CT and upon graduation enlisted in the Army. Upon discharge, he attended and graduated from Central CT State College and started teaching high school. While teaching for several years, he earned his Master’s degree (Columbia), Professional |Diploma (UCONN), and his doctorate degree (UMASS). His first superintendent position was Hadley, MA, and then he moved on to become superintendent in Branford, CT and retired in 1992. He then became Director, Teacher Intern Programs, Univ of Bridgeport. During the 90s, he started his own education column, Inside Education, published weekly in four shoreline papers. The research he did for his column led him to author several books. School Corruption, Betrayal of Children and the Public Trust School Pushouts: A Plague of Hopelessness Perpetrated by Zombie Schools Does Your Child Attend a Safe School? No! Completed manuscripts: The Boys Academic Pandemic: Can’t Read, Can’t Learn Radicalized Schools: How to Combat the Racial Radicalization of Education In progress: The Ethical and Moral Decline of Public Education. His daily hobby is educational research to keep abreast of education and related news. Currently he is an advisor to the Greater Education Council of CT, a parent group opposed to the racial and cultural radicalization of education. He resided in Guilford, CT with his late wife of 70 years (who retired as Assistant Supt of Schools, Madison, CT). In her honor, he founded The Dr. Constance M. Fusco Education Foundation. Its mission is to establish the CMF Tutorial Academy to remediate students below proficiency in reading and mathematics. They raised four children and have 26 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He now lives in Woodsville, NH.