by Dr. Armand A. Fusco



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/10/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 7.5x9.25
Page Count : 992
ISBN : 9781663268860
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 992
ISBN : 9781663268853

About the Book

How to Combat the Racial Radicalization of Education Vol I This two-volume guidebook is essentially an encyclopedia illustrating the problems revolving around the racial agenda that’s indoctrinating K-12 students who are being radicalized by promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) with all of its various clones using different terms and phrases. The issue with parents who are revolting against is how it is being done—indoctrination and not choice, and not age appropriate in the lower grades. The reason for two volumes is because most books relating to this issue go into the topic without giving the necessary background—stagecraft--to really know what’s involved. Too often authors assume the reader is familiar with the background information and that is a dangerous assumption to make. Vol, I provides the definitions of so many words and phrases because Critical Race Theory is a concept driven by twisted and confusing language much of it with new words such as intersectionality making it sound mysterious and even important. Yet, it is a simple problem to resolve with choice and options; but the racial advocates, primarily white suburban educators, do not want it resolved believing that every single student K-12 must be radicalized and racialized by the racial agenda without providing any evidence of the need for its infusion in K-12 schooling. The districts promoting it are even denying that CRT is being promoted. Therefore, it’s the words being used that are the clue whether or not CRT it is being taught. For example, the Superintendent of Schools of the trophy school did an unpresented action by purchasing a copy of How to be an AntiRacist for every teacher to use; no further evidence is needed. Anyone can be radicalized (it occurs when someone starts to believe or support extreme views, and then in some cases they become willing or unwilling radicalized activists. Even the Connecticut solution (a deep blue state) arrived at a very amicable solution. It recognized that it should not be done through indoctrination, but with choice and only at the high school level. In addition, it’s a political issue with Progressive Demo,crats and the Biden White House advocating for its use in schools, and Republicans opposed to it. For example, the term slavery is interpreted to mean black slavery only, when in fact, white slavery started sooner, it was harsher because they were used in the dangerous mining and timber work, and it was cheaper to buy a white slave rather than a black slave. Vol II Volume I set the center stage for the radicalization drama to take place for Vol II to provide the nitty-gritty of the racial agenda that creates conflict, chaos, anger and makes schools unsafe for staff and students. This is reason enough why it does not belong in schools. What’s critical to understand is that this extreme indoctrination has absolutely nothing to do with improving academic skills and knowledge, and furthermore, it violates U.S. Supreme Court decision (1968, Epperson vs Arkansas) that “prohibits the teaching of only one dogma.” What’s even more interesting is that the districts promoting the racial dogma deny that they are doing so. In psychology, “denialism is a person’s choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth,” moreso for others when it involves the racial agenda. The options available to combat the radicalization are then provided. To make matters far worse is that the time and attention being given to this agenda has the so-called safe school plans collecting dust causing the publication of, Does Your Child Attend a Safe School? No! A Manual for Parents and Policymakers,” that provides 53 reasons why schools doing the racial agenda are not safe, Additionally, reading and math scores have been in a steady decline with 30-35 million students scoring below proficiency; can it be any worse?

About the Author

Armand A. Fusco, Ed.D. Armand, third born of immigrant parents and raised in a cold water flat, attended public schools in New Britain, CT, and upon graduation the Korean War began. He enlisted in the Army for three years and just before his release, he married Constance M. Fusco, a high school classmate. Upon his discharge, he enrolled at Central Connecticut State Teachers College and after graduation, he served as a high school teacher for 3 years and then became a department chairman and moved up rapidly to guidance counselor, school psychologist and guidance director. During the intervening years, he earned his Master’s degree (Columbia), Professional |Diploma (UCONN), and his doctorate degree (UMASS). While earning his doctorate, he was appointed superintendent of schools for 10 years in Hadley, MA. In 1981 he was granted a sabbatical and received a post-doctoral fellowship with the Boston Labor Management Center specializing in Quality of Work Life Programs (QWL). His responsibilities included training managers of the U.S. Postal Service for 3 years to implement QWL programs. He then became superintendent of schools in Branford, CT in 1985 and retired in 1992. Soon thereafter, he took a position at the Univ of Bridgeport as Director, Teacher Intern Programs and Associate Professor of Education where in addition to his duties he mentored 10 interns in 10 inner-city Bridgeport schools. During the 90s, he started his own education column, Inside Education, published weekly in four shoreline papers. The columns dealt with a variety of school issues and problems and continued for 9 years when he suspended it to start writing his books. It was the research he did for his columns that led him to author several books. • School Corruption, Betrayal of Children and the Public Trust (2005) • School Pushouts: A Plague of Hopelessness Perpetrated by Zombie Schools (2012) • Does Your Child Attend a Safe School? No! (2022) • The Boys Academic Pandemic: Can’t Read, Can’t Learn (due in 2025 • Why Are Black Students Held in Bondage of Failing Schools? (due in 2025) • How to Combat the Racial Radicalization of Education (2024) • A manuscript in progress is The Ethical and Moral Demise of Public Education (due 2026). His daily hobby is educational research to keep abreast of education and related news. In addition, he has written many education manuals among which was The Connecticut Condition of Education 2012. He also published 3 manuals for the Yankee Institute to support his advocacy for Volunteer Citizen Audit Committees. He is an advisor to the Greater Education Council of CT, a parent group opposed to the racial and cultural radicalization of education and the Guilford, CT school district’s Equity and Social Justice Agenda disguised as Critical Race Theory. He resided in Guilford, CT for 37 years with his late wife of 70 years (who retired as Assistant Supt of Schools, Madison, CT). In her honor, he founded The Dr. Constance M. Fusco Education Foundation. Its mission is to establish CMF Tutorial Academy to remediate students below proficiency in reading and mathematics. A CMF Mastery Academy, a tuition school for grades 3-8, is also being pursued. They raised four children and have 26 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He lives in Woodsville, NH. Email: fusco.a@comcast.net