Book Details
About the Book
At last parents will not cringe at the thought of taking their child to the dentist. We now have detailed scripts and specific clinical techniques at our disposal to help any interested dental practitioner learn exactly what to do and say to concerned parents and their very cautious children. This retrospective study was conceived and directed by Suher Baker, BDS, DMD, MS, MBA. Nine hundred and fifty-two children ages 2-12, were double blinded, placebo controlled, and randomized. The data, soon to be published, demonstrate the methods detailed in this book are successful 92% of the time. Only 8% of the children needed to be treated under general anesthesia. No crying, no restraints, no quiet room, children happy to return for recall, and their parents delighted. Readily learned by doctors and staff, a form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) adapted specifically for anxious children in the dental office when combined with specific painless clinical techniques, detailed within, are the backbone of this handbook. I SPEAK FOR THE CHILD.
About the Author
Dr Pike graduated from Marquette University School of Dentistry in1962 and was immediately drafted into the US Air Force during the Cuban Missile Crisis. In 1964 he was discharged and then accepted into University of Oregon Dental School’s Pediatric Dental Certificate Program. In1966, he continued at Oregon for two additional years as a part time clinical instructor of pediatric dentistry while finishing his master’s thesis on measuring pulpal blood flow via transillumination of live dog’s canines, a forerunner of the modern pulse oximeter. In 1968 Pike began full time practice of Pediatric Dentistry for 52 years during which time he was president of the AAPD Oregon branch, Multnomah Dental Society, Oregon Academy of Preventive Dentistry, and the Portland Academy of Hypnosis. I dedicate this handbook to my wife Marney, who did the lion’s share of raising our three wonderful children, Michelle, Steven, and Jamie. Marney has been my most trusted advisor for 60 years and she never complained about all the meetings. She has been and is the best wife a man could ask for. I truly love her.