Strategy and AI
A Computer Written Book
Book Details
About the Book
This book is intended to assist it’s reader to enter the world of AI inspired writing. It doesn’t do the entire job of writing a letter, essay, term paper, or a book. It is a serious step in the direction of assisting the writer is doing what is often a time consuming task and possibly a tedious one. The basic idea is that when a person normally writes something, they almost always have to look things up and then write about them. If the needed information is peripheral to the main subject on which the author is writing, you have to find the information before you can include it. With Generative AI, the process of writing is better and faster. Information that would ordinarily be impossible to obtain is now available. The process uses a generative transformer named ChatGPT that is readily available to all users. The process is called easy writing. How does this easy writing work? The author gets an idea and delineates the areas for which he needs information. He or she sends a request in the form of a query to ChatGTP, and then the software returns the answer. The author then combines the various forms of information to construct whatever the original idea entails. It’s that simple. It’s your story or report or message or request so you can use the generated information in any way you desire. In this book, the title of each chapter is the subject for the query and the following text is the book chapter generated by generative computing. As far as this book is concerned –you are reading – you may copy it in whole or in part and distribute it is any form you wish. If you change it, please take my name off of it. There is only one limitation. You can’t sell it. How would I know? To make money, you need distribution. The book in which this short note is contained was written with the help of AI. More specifically, I used ChatGPT. I chose strategy as the main topic. It is a subject that I knew something about, but not very much. The content is useful and many persons can benefit from reading it. There is also information on Singularity, AI Ontology, ELIZA, and the Turing Test, all a part of AI. Each and every chapter was written using the AI system. I am going to refer to it as Chat. My only contribution was the selection of subjects and cleaning up the various Chat entries. A typical query to Chat is “What is Service Strategy.” You will get a relevant response, and I guarantee you that Chat was not an English major. The author’s job is to select the overall subject matter, as is the subject ‘strategy’ in this case, as well as ‘artificial intelligence’ in the second part of the book. The author’s second job is to perform a copy editing of the subject matter. By looking at the subject matter, you will see some corrected text and some that was not corrected. Some uncorrected text is included to give an idea of what has to be done. Chat performs the research for you, and that is the idea of what ‘A computer written book’ is all about. Perhaps in the future, AI will select the subject matter and the various topics.
About the Author
Harry Katzan, Jr. is a professor who has written several books and many papers on computers and service science. He has been an advisor to the executive board of a major bank and a general consultant on various disciplines. He and his wife have lived in Switzerland where he was a banking consultant and a visiting professor of Artificial Intelligence. He is an avid runner and has completed 94 marathons including Boston 13 times and New York 14 times. He holds bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees.