Fatal Dilemma: The Secrets of Constanze Mozart

by H. S. Brockmeyer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/30/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 816
ISBN : 9781663263209

About the Book

H. S. Brockmeyer’s obsession with the composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, continues in the wake of her first book, Echoes of a Distant Crime: Resolving the Mozart Cold Case File. In this new book, a fictional work exploring the personality of Mozart’s wife, Constanze, the author investigates scenarios that she imagined may have happened in real life in the last three years of the composer’s life, 1789 – 1791, through the eyes of his wife, Constanze – and re-visualized through the eyes of a 21st century woman. Beginning in the last two days of Mozart’s life on 3 December, 1791, Brockmeyer pieces together scenes that correspond with real-life documents of activities surrounding Mozart and his secretive death and burial in 1791. Investigating Constanze Mozart and the enigmatic personality of this fascinating woman who married Mozart, H. S. Brockmeyer reveals the depth and passion of their relationship; their marriage hitting a rough spot in the last year of Mozart’s life – and how Constanze Mozart experienced their marriage in the shadow of her genius husband, Wolfgang Mozart, the incomparable composer and musician, in the fast-paced musical scene in Europe’s musical hub of Vienna. Calling upon her experience in researching Mozart for over thirty years, including travels to Vienna, Salzburg, and Prague – places where Mozart and his wife visited or lived – H. S. Brockmeyer conjures up an uncanny picture of Constanze’s relationship with her brilliant husband, revealing a tale of love, passion, and thwarted dreams, in a recreation of Constanze Mozart’s life in the foreground of a colorful 18th century tapestry. If you have ever wondered who Mozart’s wife really was, this book may provide a more comprehensive image, in a rich re-creation of Constanze’s life, surrounded by Mozart and his acquaintances, in a life long ago, where a modern-day revision brings alive the one-dimensional persona of Constanze Weber Mozart, and spotlights her hopes, dreams – and her choices -- in the last three years of Mozart’s life.

About the Author

H. S. Brockmeyer became inexplicably fascinated with the hot hit, Rock Me Amadeus, by Falco while working as a radio announcer in the 1990’s. She became obsessed with Wolfgang Mozart and spent over 30 years of research in the investigation of Mozart in Vienna, Salzburg, other European places where the composer once lived and worked. She researched strange incidents around Mozart's last two years. Discovering a crucial clue – one that has been in public view since 1959 at Vienna’s Historical Museum, Brockmeyer presents new evidence of a controversial nature surrounding the composer's mysterious death and the people involved with keeping this shocking secret. Her main area of interest is Mozart’s wife, Constanze, and her involvement in nefarious incidents in the last months of Mozart’s life. Finally, there is an explanation as to why his widow never placed a gravestone over the composer’s burial site. Other odd scenarios that have long baffled scholars are explained – and thoroughly documented -- in this tale of love, passion, betrayal, and the unveiling of secrets so incredulous, that a deliberate cover-up was manufactured to keep the truth away from the public. Finally, H. S. Brockmeyer’s detective work exposes these long-held secrets, in her unmasking of the main character, Constanze Mozart, in a sensational revelation.