Punish that Stressful Demon

Everyone Now Has PTSD

by Saundra T. Russell RN



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/8/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781663251329
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 338
ISBN : 9781663251312

About the Book

Keeping trauma to yourself Only makes the hurt feel worse Sharing it with someone will help you Writing it down will help lift the curse! Saundra Russell understands physical pain and mental anguish. A poet since a young age, she has found comfort writing original verse during times of stress and excruciating pain. Now she shares a collection of verse tailored like a self-help workbook to guide others to conquer the battle within and move forward into a new chapter. Within a simple manual that includes examples of poems, Saundra invites anyone suffering from PTSD to first reflect about their traumatic experiences, the stress that it has caused, and how it has contributed to their PTSD, and then compose short rhyming poems that encourage healing and serve as a gentle reminder that they are never alone in their personal challenges. Punish that Stressful Demon is a poetry workbook that offers a safe space for those battling PTSD to reflect, create original verse, and heal from trauma.

About the Author

Saundra T. Russell RN is an award-winning poet and the author of four other books who holds a place in the PoetryFest Hall of Fame. She is a lifelong dyslexic who is battling several health challenges including MS.