There’s A Purple Jelly Monster In My Tummy!

Book Details
About the Book
Nothing is more exciting than the weekend, and no one loves it more than six- year- old Paris. There are so many fun things to do. However, when the jelly monster gets released in to her tummy and threatens to ruin the day, can Mommy come up with a way to turn things around before it’s too late?
About the Author
Swannee Rivers is a nationally credentialed educator, mother, business owner, community activist, motivational speaker, and author of Healthcare Under Duress-An Inside Look at the University of Washington Billing Scandal (2003,) Hidden Treasures: Small Businesses Doing Great Things in the Pacific Northwest (2007,) Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You (2003 edition I,)(2009 edition II,) Parents Don’t Know Everything-A Teen Freedom of Expression Journal (2003,) Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure (2020,) Zack the Yak’s Mountaintop Adventure (2022.) There’s A Purple Jelly Monster In My Tummy (2022,) is her third children’s literary work.