A Climate of Revenge

A Sarah and JanetM Mystery With a Writer’s Guide for Our Climate Crisis

by Tom Riley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/2/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781663242129
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 178
ISBN : 9781663242136

About the Book

Sarah and JanetM are a human/Artificial Intelligence pair who do private investigations in the near future where our climate crisis has hit and hit hard. Sarah turned down a job offer from Jackson Winestead. He is an ex-executive apparently interested in hiring Sarah to promote his I’m-a-good-guy-now image. Sarah does not trust him and has no patience for such monsters. Soon after, two policemen arrive at Sarah’s house to inform her that Winestead was found dead not twenty minutes after they met. The next day, Winestead’s wife Venessa approaches Sarah to offer her a quite different job. Winestead has left money for Sarah to find his killer and report privately to his family. Sarah and JanetM take on the murder investigation. What first appeared simple a case of greenwashing grows within the international environmental crisis. Sarah and JanetM are in the thick of it, surrounded by secrets and lies, as they seek the killer of a man with a thousand enemies in a world with a million problems. The IPCC report, “Climate Change 2022, Impacts, Adaption and Vulnerability summary contains: C5.3 Enhancing knowledge A wide range of … processes … can deepen climate knowledge and sharing, including … using the arts … (high confidence). This story is a response to this clarion call. It is a story of young people in effective action on our historic problems.

About the Author

Bio of Tom Riley Tom Riley 5/31/2022 TomRiley@bigmoondig.com Cell: (410) 274-3162 Summary: (543 words) After an extensive career at NASA as an Instrument Engineer, Tom Riley started a people-based space program, The Big Moon Dig, compatible with the needs of our climate crisis. Our climate crisis clearly must now come first, and that effort needed positive stories of people in action. NASA Projects: Working at NASA (08/1989 to 02/2014) as an instrument engineer, Mr. Riley worked on the teams for the following projects: 1. Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) is a laser ranging instrument for an interplanetary mission. 2. SOLSE-LORE is a Shuttle bay instrument under Hitch-Hiker Jr. Shuttle instruments making limb measurements of ozone. This pair of instruments is tested new ways to measure the Earth's ozone. 3. SIMBIOS provides calibration and validation equipment, data, and procedures for SeaWiFS and other marine monitoring satellites for which NASA/GSFC has data responsibility. He organized and ran the Intercalibration round-robin experiments for ten laboratories around the world that participate in this project. 4. SeaWiFS is the current premier ocean color satellite. Its ocean color maps are used extensively by scientific, environmental, and commercial concerns to determine the biological state of the oceans worldwide. 5. TOMS-ADEOS was one of an 18-year series of satellite flights providing a near continuous monitoring of the Earth's ozone. This American-built instrument flew on a Japanese satellite. 6. TOMS/Meteor-3 is one of an 18-year series of satellite flights providing a near continuous monitor of the Earth's ozone. This American-built instrument flew on a Russian satellite. 7. SSBUV was a secondary payload flown in the bay of the Space Shuttle. It provided calibration measurements for all ozone measuring satellites. Web Project: After retirement, Mr. Riley designed and documented the following low-cost space exploration project: 1. Riley, Tom, “The Big Moon Dig”. A Web site established in 20014, http://bigmoondig.com/BigMoonDig.html Publications: Mr. Riley’s publications are a mix of technical material and fiction: 1. Riley, Tom. “Climate of Revenge”. (IUniverse, 2022) A novel set in the middle of our climate crisis. 2. John Thomas, Symbioses as an Alternative to Master/Slave for Artificial Intelligence. Chapter (IGI Global, 2021). 3. Riley, Tom. Born to Storms, (Amazon Books, 2020). A novel for young adults facing our climate crisis. 4. dall’Acqua, Luisa, & Irene M. Gironacci Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Risk Management and Cyber Intelligence. Chapter N, Tom Riley, “General Patten and our Climate Crisis, The Stories People Need” (IGI Global, 2020). 5. dall’Acqua, Luisa, Tom Riley, Narrative Thinking and Storytelling for Problem Solving in Science Education (IGI Global, 2019). A mix of science fiction short stories and technical articles to support STEM education. 6. dall’Acqua, Forecasting and Managing Risk in the Health and Safety Sectors, (IGI Global, 2019). Chapter 3, pages 52-80. Tom Riley, “The Coming Human/Machine Symbiosis, Effects on Society, and Business Planning”. 7. dall’Acqua, Luisa, Dickson Lukose (2018a). Improving Business Performance Through Effective Managerial Training Initiatives. Hershey PA: IGI Global. Chapter 12, pages 254 – 282. Tom Riley, “Extended Managerial Implications: People and Space in the Twenty-First Century”. 8. Riley, Tom, & Kelda Riley, The Computer Controller Cookbook. Creative Computing Press, 1983. An early workbook of DYI computer projects. Education: George Washington University, Washington, DC, M.S., Engineering Management 06/1995. University of Houston, Houston, Texas, B.S., Electrical Engineering, Mathematics 02/1969.