In The Mist Of It All

by Vagarchak Harutyunyan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/1/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781663247018
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781663247025
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 82
ISBN : 9781663247032

About the Book

In the Mist of it All, gives insight to simple and healthy recipes that will bring love and joy in a universal language all seven billon of us share, food. The inspiration behind Vic’s recipes came from his ventures in the food & restaurant industry, as a Chef and an Owner. Chef Vic shares personal stories along with simple techniques that will give you confidence in the kitchen as well as inspire you to create your own memorable experiences. Between busy schedules, kids and day-to-day obligations, cooking well balanced and delicious foods has become a challenge to so many. Chef Vic shares his version of recipes that are fun to make and allow the reader to form healthy habits. Chef Vic’s message is to bring back the joyful experiences we once shared before the pandemic. “In the Mist of it All” inspires the reader to recreate the moments we once dreamt about.

About the Author

Vic is a passionate home cook and entrepreneur, born in Yerevan, Armenia. A former business owner of two successful restaurants in los Angeles, and graduate from one of the best cooking schools around, his mother’s kitchen, he uses his love for food and storytelling to share his vision of some of his all-favorite creative and healthy recipes. Along the way Vic opens up with intimate stories about the influences that impacted his life and inspired him to write “In The Mist Of It All”.