A Note of Encouragement

by Jean Sanders



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/13/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781663249425
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781663249432

About the Book

It takes longer to phone the florist and order flowers than it does to hand write a personal note that lasts longer than flowers and will lift the spirits of the receiver. You can write that card. The small volume you hold in your hand was designed as a blue print for personal development into a positive encourager of those you know in need of an uplifting word. A simple card with your carefully chosen words hand written – no texting here – will bring positive affirmation to those discouraged, down-hearted, under appreciated, sorrowing or deserving of thanks for a deed of kindness. The process is broken down, outlined and flows with examples of what works and what not to say. With a little practice you will easily become a positive encourager.

About the Author

Jean Sanders is a retired educator who served in various public school systems as classroom teacher, librarian, counselor, director of special services and grant writer. She was also certified as licensed professional counselor. Her favorite job was Mom to her two sons. She resides in Edmond, Oklahoma.