Spiders, Hearts, & Knives

The Boy of the Prophecy




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/20/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 1188
ISBN : 9781663221353
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 1188
ISBN : 9781663221377
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1188
ISBN : 9781663221360

About the Book

An old tale tells of one of the universe’s most prized treasures titled the Araknyd, which was the embodiment of the eight ultimate chakras of the universe. The chakras were represented by its eight legs, which were separated from it. Some said it would grant the user the aptitude to become the ultimate being, and some said it was able to give life as easily as it could take it away. The Araknyd was held inside a temple on a pedestal, dormant, waiting to be activated by all eight of its legs, which were each protected by an oracle, a part of a group called the 8-Legged Anatomy. Along with the treasure, there was a prophecy that spoke of a young man who was immune to poison. He could harness all eight chakras of the universe, and he would be the one that brought them all together. When a boy named Paul meets a ravishing spider named Roxy, she takes him to a place where he learns about the legend of the Araknyd. Before long, they also conjure a demon named Violet that gets added to the team. The three of them embark on a quest, defeating deities of anguish, making baneful decisions, and risking the fate of existence to retrieve those eight legs and not only awaken the power, but stop the completed Araknyd from falling into the wrong hands.

About the Author

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