Contrasts and Similarities

by Paradzayi David Mubvumbi PhD.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/4/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781532081736
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9781532081729

About the Book

This book tells the truth about what happened and is still happening in Zimbabwe, concerning local religions and Christianity. This book will lead you to seek and search the truth from the Bible so that people will determine their relationship with God. Are you following God the right way or wrong way? This book will help. (A portion of proceeds from the sale of this book is going to help funding some disadvantaged children of Zimbabwe to build their better lives thorugh education.)

About the Author

Paradzayi David Mubvumbi was born and grew up in Murehwa District in Zimbabwe. Paradzayi grew up among religious people who believed in Christianity and Traditional religions .When he was still young he could not really understand what was going on between Christianity and Traditional religions, because the worshippers seemed to be practicing their worshipping the same way. Paradzayi’s Grandmother was a Christian and the Grandfather was possessed by an ancestral spirit known as Mudzimu in Shona language. Because of the similarities and differences in the ways they worshipped, Paradzayi was caught up in a muddle of confusion and the confusion led him to have an interest of studying Christianity and Traditional Religions. At the age of Fifteen, Paradzayi enrolled at Nhowe Bible College in Macheke and graduated in 1970 and became a full time Preacher ,in the Rural areas of Murehwa. After three years, Paradzayi went back to College to be trained in the Hospitality industry where he worked for ten years before he left for the commercial sector. For another ten years Paradzayi worked for Pepsi International as a Regional Manager. Despite changing Jobs Paradzayi never stopped preaching. Instead he went out preaching every weekend supporting himself. In the 2000 Paradzayi made some contacts with Christian Brethren in Georgia USA, Paradzayi and his wife Jane left Zimbabwe and went to work and preach in the USA. After residing in the USA for six years Paradzayi and Jane Left USA to reside in Canada where Paradzayi completed a BA,MA and a PhD in Religious Studies. Paradzayi and Jane have been married for over Forty Five years and are blessed with two daughters who are both married. Even though Paradzayi and Jane have been to many different parts of the world, they love Zimbabwe more than any other place. The love for Zimbabwe made Paradzayi to write this book, to help Christians and non-Christians everywhere to know what Zimbabwean beliefs are concerning their Christianity and Traditional Religions. Having knowledge of the two is very important to all; Zimbabweans to determine their Spiritual future and destiny. Paradzayi wishes his book could also help those who would like to do Mission work in Zimbabwe. Have a pleasant reading and do all things to the Glory of God.