The Old Timers - Jenkins Web

Time Travel Action Adventure

by C. Louis Barr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/11/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781532077920
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781532077821
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 428
ISBN : 9781532077937

About the Book

In the year 2010, Carl and Roy Mosley were moved and hidden inside the future—year 2056—by the strong hand of the Old Timers using a fake government protection program that went wrong. Lamenting over their lost families held in the past, the brothers soon discover that somebody is providing them clues on how to illegally regain their freedom by traveling east into Waterville, Iowa. This story is set in an era where time travel, using firearms, cloning anything, driving cars, or traversing any wild territory across the Mississippi River are all dangerous and illegal. Breaking any of these laws is punishable by death, but Monster Land keeps growing larger and has recently crossed the west side of the Mississippi, spreading westward toward their residences in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Enjoy twenty chapters of nonstop action played out in just one long day as the Mosley Brothers break all the laws and travel into Monster Land to regain their freedom.

About the Author

C. Lous Barr is a retired computer designer technician of 45 years within the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, holding degrees in Mechanics, Communications, and Computer Science. Craig enjoyed his electronics and R & D backgrounds while earning patents for photoelectric, infrared, and communication electronics within the field of Computer design.