Inside the Light – A Paranormal Journey

by Robin C. Mueller



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/31/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781532079283
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 54
ISBN : 9781532079276

About the Book

Welcome to Inside the Light – A Paranormal Journey, my haven for seekers of the light. Did you ever encounter a stranger and know, without a doubt, that you have met before? Have you walked on a beach and found your spirit reaching out to the endless horizon? Has a sudden, glint of sun startled you into a remembering an existence as pure light? If you have, then perhaps you are a seeker, too.

About the Author

Robin C. Mueller is an Intuitive Medium and Healer who has the ability to hear and transmit guidance from the Spirit and Angelic world. She has been in private practice for over 25 years and has assisted many clients to find peace and healing. With her Angelic Healing MerKaBa activation meditation she works with the Angels to activate healing on an emotional, mental and physical level. The author of “The Paranormal is My Normal” Robin gives insight into how she began her spiritual journey. In her upcoming book “Inside the Light - A Paranormal Journey” she delves more deeply into the different levels of existence. The reader will gain a greater understanding on how the Angels are always with us. Robin’s services include: MerKaBa Angelic Activation, Healing with the Angels, Spirit Connection and Beyond Tarot. Robin also has her CD “Teach Them How to Find Us” which helps clients contact those who exist inside the light directly. Robin holds a BA in English Literature with a Minor in Psychology and is a Certified Paralegal. In addition she is also a Certified Reiki Master, Energy Medicine Practitioner and a Shaman. Robin’s focus is on giving people a safe place to find spiritual answers and healing, as well as an understanding of the deeper connections that they have with beings that exist Inside the Light.