My Fight for Recovery

A Story of Overcoming Life-Threatening Brain Surgery

by Rob Plaskas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/26/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781532095115
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 182
ISBN : 9781532095122

About the Book

Some would label Rob Plaskas as disabled, while others may call him a victim. Truth be told, he is a survivor and a fighter. “My Fight for Recovery: A Story of Overcoming Life Threatening Brain Surgery” is his first-hand account of the tragedy and terror he experienced, who he was, and what he has become. Over time he learned to confront his circumstances and embrace his new reality. He found courage and strength to reinvent himself and charted his own path to succeed in his new life. This memoir is about his recovery from a brain hemorrhage during brain surgery. It caused the equivalent of a major stroke, leaving him unable to speak, write, read or comprehend, and left him with rightsided paralysis. It caused severe damage to his short-term memory and made him dependent on anti-seizure medicine. His recovery shows how some survivors of severe brain injuries can recover and have a productive life if they work hard at their physical, speech, cognitive, and emotional therapies.

About the Author

Rob Plaskas lives on the prairieland of central Illinois, home of the former United States President Abraham Lincoln, with his dog Maggie, a lovable and beautiful mixed hound. He has a loving family and close friends who care about him and his fight for recovery. He has worked as a communications analyst for the Illinois General Assembly since 2004, but recently, during his spare time, has pursued opportunities to write about and share his life-long story memoir to inspire other people with disabilities and their families. When he is not writing you will find him wandering at social events and going to wineries. He is obsessed with other people’s stories about how they succeeded despite their obstacles. He wants to be a future motivational speaker to give people with difficulties hope they could do anything they want if they put their mind to it.