Jesus of Bethlehem

Davidic King of the Jews

by Allan Russell Juriansz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/26/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781532075667
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781532075650

About the Book

JESUS OF BETHLEHEM -- DAVIDIC KING OF THE JEWS is the culmination of a private odyssey, one that has consumed my whole personal life. Introduced to Christianity by two devout Christian parents, I determined to follow a conviction in me inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus. As a medical doctor I did not travel in ignorance of science. As a devout believer in God I marvel along my continuing medical journey at the wondrousness of the human body and the ravaging challenges to it in existence. Human frailty solidified my faith in God to bring a solution and this I found in Judeo-Christianity. What medical marvels my fraternity has accomplished I consider band aid solutions, since we all face eventual death. The Judeo-Christian Faith offers the full solution to this dilemma in the redemption God has provided in His own incarnation, known to us as Jesus Christ. I give Him His Biblical title based on the Old and New Testaments: Jesus of Bethlehem - Davidic King of the Jews. In Him alone will humanity find the longed for perfection and immortality.

About the Author

Allan Russell Juriansz was born in Sri Lanka. He earned a medical degree at Australia’s Sydney University Medical School. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada. He is retired from surgery but continues to see consultations in urology. He was married to the late Ruth Lesley O’Halloran for 49 years, and has four children and eight grandchildren.