On the Way

New Poems by Chris Hoffman

by Chris Hoffman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/29/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781532011351
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781532011368

About the Book

On the Way is a rich volume of poetry about life’s flourishing, which bridges the gap between our human lives and the healing spirit of nature. It includes poems of the universal spiritual quest, of the exploration of forests, deserts, and mountains, and of love, relationships, and family. It features a poem about the Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrimage route across northern Spain that has been transforming lives from the ninth century up through the present day.

About the Author

Chris Hoffman is a poet and ecopsychologist with a background in organization development (applied group psychology) and counseling. His poetry has appeared in national publications including Appalachia, The Christian Science Monitor, The Climbing Art, Sea Kayaker, Spiritus, Sufi Journal, and The Chrysalis Reader as well as in the anthologies The Soul Unearthed and EarthLight: Spiritual Wisdom for an Ecological Age. In addition to his two previous books of poems, Cairns and Realization Point, Chris is the author of The Hoop and the Tree: A Compass for Finding a Deeper Relationship with All Life, a book on psychology, spirituality, and native wisdom. He enjoys performing his poetry both solo and in music and dance collaborations. The Afro-pop band Monkey Siren has recorded his lyrics on two CDs. As a consultant and counselor, Chris has facilitated human and organization development in a variety of business, educational, and therapeutic settings, most recently specializing in organizations working for a sustainable future. He now does occasional consulting while devoting most of his time to poetry and to volunteer work related to keeping a livable climate. Chris is a long-time student of Zen and tai chi and is interested in traditional healing practices and sacred dance. His wilderness experience includes backpacking, mountaineering, and river running. He lives with his wife in Boulder, Colorado. They have one son. (For more information, visit www.hoopandtree.org.)