On Earth as It Is in Heaven
Volume II
Book Details
About the Book
Jesus of Nazareth was a first-century Palestinian Jew who was wholly dedicated to his Judaism, and he arose during a turbulent period of history for the Jewish people living under the oppression of the Roman Empire. From his brief few years of ministry, a new religion—Christianity—came into being. But does modern Christianity accurately understand Jesus’s charismatic life, teachings, and overall goal in God’s ultimate plan for humankind that Jesus so eloquently spelled out in the Lord’s Prayer—to bring about life on earth as it is in heaven? On Earth as It Is in Heaven is a two-volume study, commentary, and spiritual guidebook that investigates the historical Jesus in the context of God’s ultimate plan for humankind, and it covers how the accurate portrait of Jesus and his message have been altered since the first century through today. The first volume opens with an examination of the appeal and significance of the New Testament message, and it concludes by exploring how the early church altered Jesus’s message after his death. The second volume further investigates the connection between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament, and it explains how it is Jesus’s Judaism that speaks to the true origins of Christianity. Correctly understanding the changes that were made to the historical Jesus and his message is essential for all modern followers of Jesus, and restoring an accurate portrait of Jesus is what will help believers understand God’s ultimate plan for humankind.
About the Author
D. C. Thielmann is an independent, unbiased, critical scholar of the Scriptures, and he has over thirty years of study into the etymology and idioms of biblical Hebrew and Greek. On Earth as It Is in Heaven is his first book, and he provides his own translations and interpretations of Scripture in order to bring about a more accurate portrait of the historical Jesus. Baptized as a Methodist, he is a member of Duluth First United Methodist Church.