My Experience

Climbing Out the Hole

by Andrew Marshall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/20/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781532033902
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9781532033919

About the Book

In 1989 Toronto, a little boy was growing up happy and loved. But as he began suffering from paralyzing anxiety for the slightest reasons, his journey through life slowly began to transform into one centered around anger, sadness, and self-destructive behavior. Plain and simple, Andrew Marshall—Drew M.—did not like himself, but unfortunately didn’t quite understand why.

In a retelling of his life experiences that is sometimes amusing and other times poignant, Andrew leads others down an interesting yet emotional path where he reveals what it felt like to have a panic attack, to be lost within the special education system, and deal with unpredictable angry outbursts. While revealing how he struggled to find answers on his own, Andrew provides an eye-opening glimpse into how he finally took control of his own mental health and identified his challenges, learned how to deal with them, and ultimately found the happiness he knew he deserved.

My Experience shares the true story of one man’s journey to overcome his mental health challenges and walk out of the darkness and into a bright new world.

About the Author

Andrew Marshall, aka Drew M., is a wacky, quirky, loving, and creative individual who can be outspoken when it comes to specific topics such as mental health, creation, motivation, and innovation. He currently resides in Toronto, Canada. My Experience: Climbing Out the Hole is his first book.