
How the Capillary-Cell Dance Blocks Aging while Decreasing Pain and Fatigue

by Robert Buckingham MD FACP



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/18/2017

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781532022746
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781532022753
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9781532022760

About the Book

If you’re like most people, there’s a gun pointed to your head and you don’t even know it.

Poor lifestyle choices can induce chronic inflammation that could result in serious or life-threatening illnesses and even death from heart attacks, strokes, debilitating arthritis, heart failure, dementia, cancers, and autoimmune disease.

But no alarms go off when we smoke a cigarette, eat a large bag of fries, or inhale a donut—so most of us don’t see the gun barrel. It keeps taking aim until one day it goes off.

Robert Buckingham, MD, FACP, exposes the truth about the gun and what you must do to push it away, which begins by understanding how the body works.

It turns out that whoever or whatever controls capillary cell outer membranes, controls mitochondrial combustion, which determines Rejuvenation. The battle is between inflammatory forces that work against end organs and those that support them.

Find out the steps to take to reduce chronic inflammation so you can enjoy a longer and healthier life with the insights and action steps in this book.

About the Author

Robert Buckingham, MD, FACP, is a practicing physician in private practice in Ojai, California. He received his medical and master’s degrees from the University of Illinois in Chicago and received further training in medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago. He was elected as a Fellow in the American College of Physicians in 2009. He is also the author Hazing Aging, which was a runner-up book of the year in the health division from Forward Reviews. He remains passionate about practicing medicine and exploring the science of aging.