by John C. Woodcock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/5/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781491732656
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 126
ISBN : 9781491732663

About the Book

This book is an expanded edition of my book, The Coming Guest: Advancing Jung’s Augury into the 21st Century (2011, iUniverse) in which I examine three “documents of the soul”: a little-known high relief carving at Bollingen c.1960, along with two letters Jung wrote. In these “documents” I detected the presence of “two Jungs”. One is the depth psychologist whose legacy has developed into a discipline of psychology of the soul, with its methodology. The other is the artist who has left us a hidden legacy—one that has remained virtually unnoticed for fifty years. This legacy also has a methodology—one very different from that of depth psychology. In this edition I begin the task of articulating the methodology of the art form that Jung inaugurated. Both depth psychology and this new art form remain faithful to Jung’s notion of the soul as world-constituting, or as Jung says in his letter to Sir Herbert Read, the coming guest. Where depth psychology seeks to bring the coming guest into consciousness, the new art form seeks to bring “him” into incarnation!

About the Author

John C. Woodcock holds a doctorate in Consciousness Studies (1999). His thesis articulates the process and outcome of a spiritual ordeal that lasted twenty years. At first it seemed to John that he was undergoing a purely personal psychological crisis but over time, with assistance from his various mentors, he discovered that he was also participating in the historical process of a transformation of the soul as reflected in the enormous changes occurring in our culture, often referred to as apocalyptic.

During this difficult period of John’s life, he wrote two books: "Living in Uncertainty Living with Spirit" and "Making of a Man". Both books are now expanded into second editions (2012).

Over time John began to discern soul movement, comprising hints of the unknown future, from within our present apocalyptic upheavals. John’s next three books, "The Coming Guest", "The Imperative", and "Hearing Voices", explore this phenomenon more fully by describing the initiatory process and outcome of a human being’s becoming a vehicle for the expression of the unknown future, through the medium of his or her art. John’s next two books, "Animal Soul", and "Manifesting Possible Futures", establish a firm theoretical ground for the claim that the soul is urging us towards the development of new inner capacities that together can discern and artistically render hints of possible futures through participation and resonance. His book, "Overcoming Solidity", continues this exploration in terms of “transformation of worlds”. Its focus is on our current structure of consciousness and its correlative world which we call empirical reality. He shows how the development of capacities necessary to discern hints of possible futures involves a kind of violence, due to the “solidity” of modern-day consciousness. His latest book, "Making New Worlds", begins the work of articulating the art form that is emerging in response the soul’s intention to incarnate in the real world.

John currently lives with his wife Anita in Sydney, where he teaches, writes, and consults with others concerning their own journey through the present “apocalypse of the interior,” as it has been called, in his capacity as a practicing Jungian therapist. John and Anita also work with couples in a therapeutic setting.

He may be contacted at