Regain Your Balance: At Work, with Family, in Life

Identifying Your Goals and Ordering Your Priorities

by Mark Sirkin Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/22/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781491773857
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 110
ISBN : 9781491773864

About the Book

Regain Your Balance: At Work, with Family, in Life— Identifying Your Goals and Ordering Your Priorities answers the challenge of finding, preserving, and enhancing a healthy and sustainable balance between one’s work and one’s personal life with the field-tested insights of a consulting psychologist and executive coach. Mark Sirkin, PhD, distilling the results of three decades of interactions with people in diverse circumstances and stages in their careers, presents them in this guide.

Regain Your Balance: At Work, with Family, in Life makes approachable the task of connecting this guide to one’s own particular circumstances. The work’s conversational presentation encourages the goal of balance, discusses the nature of a healthy work-family equilibrium, outlines the steps for creating a plan, encourages putting the plan to work, and suggests methods for assuring that one’s efforts are sustainable and bear fruit.

Are you looking at yourself in the mirror and wondering how you came to be where you are? Do you sense that the dynamic balance between your labor and your leisure is out of whack? Would you find yourself in Dr. Sirkin’s observation, “Today, all generations, in all types of jobs are looking for balance, less stress, and more time with family and friends. Like you, these people are willing to give it their all when they are at work. They expect to work hard, but in exchange, they want a life”? If you do, then Regain Your Balance: At Work, with Family, in Life is the book for you.

About the Author

Mark Sirkin, Ph.D., a psychologist, psychotherapist, and executive coach, is the director of Mental Health Counseling at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York. A respected lecturer, he has published numerous articles and The Secret Life of Corporations. He and Meri, his wife, have three children and live in White Plains, NY.