Werewolf Within

by Dragan Vujic



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/22/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781491704363
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781491704370

About the Book

A recovering alcoholic, on the road to sobriety, attempts to pick up the pieces and passions of his previous life. While hunting on his uncle’s farm, Eric Horn encounters what he firmly believes to be a werewolf. When he tells his tale, the relatives all scoff at him and suggest that he has incurred some mental damage during his drinking years. Determined to prove them wrong and verify his own claim, Eric formulates a strategy to harvest a werewolf. A personal experience that results in a near death situation teaches him that ordinary bullets cannot kill a werewolf. Knowledge and credibility come from the most unusual people in the strangest places. The truth is revealed. Armed with newly acquired, reliable information, the former drunk embarks on a dangerous quest. However, his relatively simple objective becomes shrouded in complications and surprises.

About the Author

Dragan Vujic resides in rural southern Ontario, Canada, where he enjoys a quiet country life. He actively participates in a wide variety of outdoor activities. Dragan is divorced and the father of two independent adults. Contact information: draganvujic1115@gmail.com