Rise, Rise, Dark Horses of American Noir

A Postmodern Mystery

by Konrad Ventana



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2013

Recognition Programs

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9781491708101
Format : Audio
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 333
ISBN : 9781491744505
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9781491708088
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9781491708095

About the Book

Recently drummed out of a prestigious local university and its forensic research laboratory for blowing the whistle on pillars of the community, Dr. Cornell Westerly is a promising forensic scientist with a brand-new diploma and a California license plate. He’s an apprentice crime scene investigator in need of a steady job to pay the rent. Westerly, an expert in DNA analysis, finds that opportunity with Detective Dash Brogan of the Los Angeles Police Department, a man steeped in the hard-boiled, old-school police procedurals of bygone times. Together, they take on some of the city’s most heinous crimes, including Westerly’s first gruesome case involving eight hanging children. Rise, Rise, Dark Horses of American Noir follows this young, fresh-out-of-college protégé as he braves the notorious mean streets of the City of Angels in search of redemption, love, and forensic truth. In blending the innocence of youth with the verve, grit, and pluck of the classic crime novel, author Konrad Ventana pays homage to the dark horses of Chandler, Hammett, Woolrich, and Spillane while exploring the depths of human depravity.

About the Author

Konrad Ventana is an American scientist, visionary, and award-winning author who looks critically at the institutions and ideologies of the postmodern times. Ventana lives in Los Angeles, California.