Fire Up Your Team

50 Ways for Leaders to Connect, Collaborate and Create with Their Teams

by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/23/2013

Recognition Programs

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9781491715970
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9781491715987
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 334
ISBN : 9781491715994

About the Book

In today’s ever-changing world, leaders must create anew every day—new solutions, new ideas for action, new strategies – and then comfortably lead their organizations into an unpredictable future. In her handbook for leaders, author Jacqueline Throop-Robinson provides tools and techniques that can help any CEO or manager ignite passion, productivity and performance by connecting, collaborating and creating with their team. Throop-Robinson relies on her extensive experience as a successful entrepreneur, corporate manager, and consultant to help empower leaders and their teams to achieve their full potential. While combining theory with real-life stories and activities, Throop-Robinson offers time-tested advice that helps leaders change their mindset to build trust; collaborate and play with their team to accelerate performance; explore the importance and impact of inspiration; use feedback and feedforward to improve leadership practices and overall productivity; and lead fearlessly to help teams overcome obstacles and see progress. Fire Up Your Team shares fifty ways to lead fearlessly, strengthen skills, improve creativity, and motivate a team to effectively move forward and achieve goals, one step at a time.

About the Author

Jacqueline Throop-Robinson is the CEO and cofounder of PassionWorks! Inc. and PassionWorks! Asia and the cofounder of Breakthrough Learning Inc. and 360 Traction. Over the last twenty-five years, she has worked with thousands of leaders and employees in more than twenty countries. Jacqueline holds a BA, BFA, and MA, as well as numerous certifications. She currently lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.