
by Kimberly Byrd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/14/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781491783559
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781491783542

About the Book

A magical world, thrown into a bitter civil war, is nearly at its end. All hope seems to have vanished, the dragons have fled, and the prophecy from the Ancient Library has failed. Or so they thought. Follow Frinz, the daughter of the supposed carrier of the prophecy as she travels to our world to collect Crystal and Brant, the two to end the war. Armed with the magic of the four elements the two young souls must face a challenge far greater than their darkest dreams could ever conjure. This war is ruthless. Sürnam, the new leader of the Dark Army, is more powerful than all before him. He cares only for the Stone of Power, the lifeblood of Thurnangl and he will cut down all in his path. Follow our heroes into a story of magic, war, love, secrets, and what it means to fight even when all seems lost.

About the Author

Kimberly Byrd is a wife and mother who takes delight in sharing stories like Thurnangl with the world. Kimberly’s artistic expression extends far beyond her writing and finds an outlet in her professional photography business.

Born in Texas to a military family, Mrs. Byrd credits the love and support of her family as the inspiration behind her first published work, “Thurnangl.” She shares her time between writing, running her professional photography business, and raising her young children.

Her husband’s military career has allowed Kimberly to experience much of the United States and inspired the adventures found in her works. With her eye for beauty and heart for the written word, Mrs. Byrd’s dearest wish is that others might take joy in her work and share in the adventures which play out in the pages of her stories.