Wisdom of the Guardian

Treasures From Archangel Michael to Change Your Life

by Dr. Joy Pedersen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/9/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450297059
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450297042
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781450297035

About the Book

Are you interested in how angels hear and answer your prayers? Then listen to the words of Archangel Michael as he communicates his messages to you through Dr. Joy S. Pedersen, a licensed spiritual healer. Through automatic writing, Pedersen has channeled Archangel Michael’s thought-provoking views on life. Archangel Michael shares his spiritual wisdom on a wide assortment of topics, including how to improve your finances, relationships, and work. He also offers his advice for how to stop war, create peace on earth, and prepare for heaven on earth. Using clear, concise language, Michael also offers insight into how angels communicate with human beings, listen to our prayers, and attempt to help us on a daily basis. In addition, Michael focuses on how we are oft en the solution to our own problems, but we fail to give ourselves enough credit to achieve our goals. He encourages us to use our inner strength to deal with life’s problems. Archangel Michael’s recommendations guide you in making significant differences in your life, the lives of others, and the life of the planet. If you truly want change, the right job, abundance, loving relationships, and peace on earth while evolving as a soul in preparation for heaven on earth, Wisdom of the Guardian is your essential resource.

About the Author

Joy S. Pedersen, CEO and Founder of Express Success LLC is a Doctor of Divinity, non-denominational ordained minister, Licensed Spiritual Healer and Certified Spiritual Health Coach. Archangel Michael appeared to Dr. Pedersen 2004 asking her to write his book as well as work with him in a full-time healing practice. She was trained in a spiritual healing process, ho’oponopono, in 1986 but learned she had the gift of healing karma. Her ability to recall past lives, connect through all time and space and channel all dimensions, opened up enormous possibility in their work together. Her work includes clearing negative memories, property and karma. Dr. Pedersen serves primarily business owners and works on both their personal lives as well as their businesses over by phone or Skype if international clients. It was her destiny this lifetime to carry the soul of twin flames, Archangels Faith and Michael. With that role came the responsibility of his commitment to rid the planet of the cause of evil. Through their work together, they have rid the planet of the cause of evil to help bring in heaven on earth. Their role together now is to rid the planet of the effects of evil. Their work is now discussed in the best-selling book, "Clear Your Past and Change Your Future" where God, angels and others share their insights of the history of the world and the events that cleared them to help bring about Heaven on Earth. Both the problems of the world and their solutions are discussed. You can read more about Dr. Pedersen and her work at http://www.JoyPedersen.com and if you sign up for her newsletter, you can receive current information and help from heaven.