The Quality of Life

Living Well, Dying Well

by Janet Lembke



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/21/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781450203586

About the Book

How best may those of us who have our wits about us care for old, frail people whose minds are lost forever? The Quality of Life springs from Janet Lembke's experiences during her mother's slow decline after suffering two strokes. She examines death by choice--suicide, assisted or otherwise, the bioethics of withdrawal of life support, advance medical directives and living wills, dementia and how to cope with it, hospice, and objective criteria for assessing quality of life. Lembke interviewed many people, including two women who helped their mothers die, several doctors, a priest, a rabbi, and a Muslim bioethicist. The book concludes with a list of resources, among them the Alzheimer's Association and the National Institute on Aging.

About the Author

Janet Lembke writes and gardens in Staunton, Virginia. The Quality of Life springs from her experiences, during her mother's long downhill slide after suffering two major strokes, with the end-of-life issues that we all need to deal with. She now leads well-attended workshops that help people stay in charge of their lives. She has written seventeen other books, many of them about aspects of the natural world--birds, trees, water, gardens. She has also translated Latin and Greek classics. A grant from the National Endowment for the Arts supported her translation of Virgil's Georgics, a 2000-year-old poem about farming.