Below the Line

by Jaron Summers



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/20/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781440161490

About the Book

Michael Darwin had sworn he’d sell his soul to the devil for the money to make his film, “Hollywood Is Murder,” a lurid tale of a serial killer loose in Lotus Land. Imagine his surprise when an angel shows up—a financial backer named Charles S. Burns, who was willing to finance the project—if Darwin signed over a huge insurance policy to him; just in case.

But soon Darwin suspects there is a dark side to his angel. Burns is too knowledgeable about how a killer stalks his victim, too sure he’d get back every penny he’d invested. And before the movie was in the can, Darwin realizes he had mortgaged his wife and children to fulfill a dream.

About the Author

Jaron Summers has been a writer for over 30 years. He has developed numerous television and film scripts and has published hundreds of magazine and newspaper articles. He writes a popular humor column that you may read online at

He is the author of the best-selling novel Safety Catch. In addition, he was the screenwriter for such hits as Hart to Hart, Star Trek and Miami Vice.

Summers presently divides his time between the California and Alberta where he conceived and developed the Television and Film Institute of Canada.

His hobbies are swimming, biking, chess and trying to predict the behavior of his wife.

Summers has a BA from Brigham Young University and a MFA from UCLA.