The ABCs of Ethics

A Resource for Leaders, Managers, and Professionals

by Michael L. Buckner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/17/2010

Recognition Programs

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781935278498
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781935278504

About the Book

The ABCs of Ethics is designed for leaders, managers, professionals, students, and other people interested in improving ethical behavior within themselves, inside organizations, and throughout society. Michael L. Buckner answers the age-old question: “Does the end justify the means?”

Using stories and anecdotes from his work as an attorney and a private investigator, Buckner concisely defines the issues surrounding this topic while encouraging contemplation regarding common questions of ethics and integrity. By using examples of corporate piracy, privacy issues, and commonplace dilemmas, he shows us how to create a newer, more modern definition of ethics for use in today’s society. The chapters in The ABCs of Ethics use the framework of the English alphabet to stimulate and facilitate the discussion of ethics.

The ABCs of Ethics provides an understanding of both the legal and the philosophical foundations of ethics, while keeping the discussion relevant to today’s business, political, and legal environment. By discussing the role that “gray areas” play in ethics violations, and how the active pursuit of character development leads to more ethical behavior, this invaluable guide will help leaders and managers assess and successfully navigate potentially unethical situations in their business and personal lives.

About the Author

Michael L. Buckner, a licensed attorney and private investigator, assists organizations with addressing compliance, investigation, ethics, training, and management enhancement issues. Michael L. Buckner is the shareholder of the Michael L. Buckner Law Firm, a boutique investigation law firm.