
A Memoir

by Annette Israel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2008

Recognition Programs

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781440102516
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781440102547

About the Book

He was just an aged Belgian draft horse, left alone in a pasture to live out the remaining days of his twilight years. He spent his time drooling and swishing flies. But one day the old horse stepped out of a wobbly wire fence, and into a new life. He became useful again, as a horse, when he teamed up with the author, who had always wanted a Belgian draft horse.

He immediately began to subtly influence her and other people who crossed his path. The horse weighed one ton and was physically strong. He was also kind and gentle, with an uncanny manner of getting involved in the lives of the people he met. Through trials and good times, through laughter and tears, this grand old horse conveyed many messages about life.

Horsepower - A Memoir; is a true story. It's a passionate, warm and humorous portrayal of an old horse's life as told by his last owner and friend. Richly enveloped in a series of nostalgic flashbacks, you will find yourself laughing and crying, sometimes both on the same page, as you read about his escapades, and ponder your own experiences.

About the Author

Annette Israel is a well-published free lance writer. This is her first book. A life-long horse lover and student of horses, her invovlement has included training, competing, judging horse shows and rescuing abused and neglected horses. Annette lives in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan with horses, dogs and a cat.