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The Gaines Agenda

by Blaine T. Zaid



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/25/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9780595096794

About the Book

Elizabeth Gaines' storybook life turns into turmoil when her husband, Robert, founder of Compusoft and one of the world's richest men, is kidnapped by the infamous Russian Mafia. In this fictional action thriller novel, by Blaine T. Zaid, the female protagonist uses her fast wits and numerous resources to assist in his rescue. A global scale contest between the United States government and Russian organized crime ensues, complete with international spy intrigue, and culminating in an explosive naval battle in the North Atlantic Ocean.

During her investigation of the kidnapping, Elizabeth discovers that the ransom is a secret computer program called Slickfile 99, and that the kidnappers, the United States government, and even her computer genius husband are harboring their own hidden agendas. The story follows Robert Gaines during the ordeal with his captors, as well as Elizabeth's effort to help rescue him, and the military and law enforcement actions involved.

About the Author

Blaine T. Zaid enjoys playing violin, guitar, skateboarding and hiking in Los Angeles, California.