by Kim Kavin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2007

Recognition Programs

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9780595907533
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781583489840

About the Book

Tips for Booking Trips on All Budgets-from $1,000 to $1,000,000

"Kavin compares cruise ships and yacht charters to showcase the biggest advantage of the latter: personalized comfort."

"Charter cruising comes in many flavors, from fully crewed luxury megayachts to pilot-your-own bareboats, and Kim Kavin has sampled just about all of them."

Say good-bye to lengthy security lines, overpriced piƱa coladas, and jam-packed shore excursions. Never again will your cruise vacation include jostling with crowds, squishing into a kiddie-filled swimming pool, or rushing back from a land tour in time for a pre-assigned dinner seating on a massive, impersonal ship.

Dream Cruises introduces you to the joys of private yacht charter vacations, a fast-growing and often surprisingly affordable alternative to cruise ships. With charters, you get the whole boat for your family and friends, with a crew catering only to you, and you go wherever you choose-from Alaska to the South Pacific.

Based on first-hand experience as well as advice and information from sixty charter-industry experts worldwide, Dream Cruises explains which kinds of yachts are available, where to book them, how to find a trustworthy broker, what you can expect to pay, and much more.

Why book another cabin when you can have the whole boat for yourself?

About the Author

Award-winning writer, editor, and photographer Kim Kavin is one of the world?s foremost yacht charter experts. She has been onboard hundreds of yachts in dozens of countries, formerly as executive editor of Yachting and currently as charter/cruising editor of Power & Motoryacht. Kavin is also founder and editor of the online magazine CharterWave (www.CharterWave.com).