You May Think Life Stinks But It Could Be Verse

by Steven C. Stoker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/29/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9780595281220
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781469769691

About the Book

Look through any neighborhood, pick out any random country farmhouse, search through any military barracks, screen any school enrollment sheet and you can find them-"closet" poets! They scribble their innermost thoughts down in notebooks, on envelopes, even on napkins and then stash them away in secret places! Why? Because those sentiments are a part of them-a part they want to recall later, whenever they feel the need to relive those treasured moments, recapture the emotions, and savor those extraordinary experiences again.

Such poetry runs the gamut from horrendous to brilliant, but that does not matter. The quality of the work is unimportant! What is important is that someone out there has chosen the written word to create a literary "painting" that tries to capture a moment in time and space to save it for posterity. You May Think Life Stinks But It Could Be Verse is a collection of one man's meandering psyche. It contains a lot of chaff but an occasional precious kernel of wheat can be found that can be useful in nourishing the reader's psyche as well. Read, enjoy, and let the critics do the analysis!

About the Author

Steven C. Stoker retired from the United States Navy as a Chief Electronics Technician. He enjoyed a second career as a teacher before retiring and settling in Arizona with his wife and two daughters. He spends his leisure time enjoying his family, the Internet, genealogical research, and writing.