Enigma in Many Keys

The Life and Letters of a WWII Intelligence Officer

by Robert E. Button



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/27/2004

Recognition Programs

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9780595769643
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9780595664818
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 222
ISBN : 9780595321575

About the Book

Enigma in Many Keys is an insider's story of some of the most dramatic events of the 20th century. Button writes an anecdotal account of World War II "Ultra" intelligence, the Voice of America, and the early days of television and satellite communications.

"Enigma in Many Keys complements other war memoirs-its focus takes us away from the brutal tragedies of battle. Rich descriptions and keen insights result from the author's access to important people and places remarkable letters, by a soldier in his 20's, are perceptive and detailed a unique account of the war and a welcome addition to the World War II canon."

Peter Wescombe
Trustee, Bletchley Park Trust
from the Foreword

"Robert Button is someone who actually had something measurable to do with the way our world is today: an American citizen-soldier at the heart of the Allied effort in Europe; he is a diplomat who directed Voice of America and served at the nascent NATO headquarters; an entrepreneur who spotted the potential of emerging satellite technology. He is a gifted storyteller with a fascinating story to tell."

Patrick L. Townsend
author of Five-Star Leadership

About the Author

Robert E. Button is a retired U.S. Army Colonel with a lifetime of pioneering experiences in the military, diplomatic, and broadcasting arenas. He is a published writer of travel articles, cultural and political commentaries, and musical scores for choral and popular music. He and his wife live in Old Greenwich, Connecticut.