Exciting and Personal Around-the-World Travel Stories Entwined with Dramatic Historical Episodes

by Eugene Weisberger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/13/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9780595350612

About the Book

"Gene's new book, To The Four Corners, gives inspiration to all those who love to travel. No matter which one of the four corners of the world you choose to visit, his stories will enhance your journey. His own personal accounts of each of his adventures make the tales interesting and exciting. We recommend it to our clients as a 'must-read' and suggest it to shorten an otherwise long plane ride."
-Austin Travel of New York

"Gene's latest book, like his first, deals with his favorite subject, travel. In it he takes us to many exciting places he visited the last decade or two. This time he tells us of his trips while imagining his worldwide travel heroes are alongside. His four historic companions are Alexander The Great in the Middle East, Julius Caesar going to Western Europe, Marco Polo to the Far East, and finally Christopher Columbus to the Americas.

"He shares his tales with you in a fun and enjoyable manner. When Gene is asked what is his favorite place to visit, the rest of the evening is a wonderful travelogue. His friends enjoy listening to the many places they too would love to see. This is the best criteria of a good storyteller."
-Marie Griffing, Author and former Editor, Cosmopolitan Magazine

About the Author

Ever since he was a young man, Eugene Weisberger traveled extensively for General Instrument, the company with which he spent his long professional career. As he tells it, sometime while going around the world, ?I became addicted to the excitement of seeing new places and people.? Gene has traveled to over fifty countries and six continents.