Universal Consciousness

From Materialistic-Science to the Mental Projection Unified Theory

by Jonathan Bentwich Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/19/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9780595420964
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 432
ISBN : 9780595864393

About the Book

Despite remarkable scientific and technological advancements [over the past three centuries], a key assumption in science is 'materialistic-reductionism', e.g., the notion that every phenomenon or entity [x] may be explained from within its direct interaction with another material element or system [y]. However, based on a novel computational 'Duality Principle' [Bentwich, 2006] the author proves that such 'self-referential computational ontological system' [SROCS] inevitably leads to both logical inconsistency and computational indeterminacy. Dr. Bentwich therefore challenges the computational validity of a series of key scientific 'conundrums' which all share this SROCS structure, including: the quantum uncertainty principle and particle-wave duality, Relativity's constancy of the speed of light, Darwin's natural selection principle and genetic encoding hypothesis, and neuroscience's materialistic-reductionistic working hypothesis. Hence, based on the Duality Principle assertion regarding the conceptual inability to determine the existence [or non-existence] of any material 'x' entity from within its direct interaction with another 'y' element-Dr. Bentwich is able to offer potential resolution for these scientific conundrums. Further theoretical development of the Duality Principle ultimately leads to a hypothetical 'Mental Projection Unified Theory' that has the potential of unifying quantum mechanics with Relativity based on theoretical knowledge in the field of cognitive neuroscience.

About the Author

Jonathan Bentwich, Ph.D. is a cognitive neuroscientist who?s been associated with Brookhaven National Laboratory and has written scientific papers in neuroscience, logic, philosophy and consciousness studies. His central scientific interest is the quest for deeper organizing principles that may bridge the (apparent) ?Cartesian gap? between materialistic-reductionistic science and our basic human Consciousness.