
by Howard Losness



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/28/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9780595382064
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 358
ISBN : 9780595825752

About the Book

Aaron MacAffie's father was killed by the Sons of Ireland for treason and now the organization is out to eliminate the rest of the family Aaron, his brother and mother. They escape to America where Aaron grows up and graduates from college. By this time the Sons of Ireland have tracked down Aaron's brother and mother, brutally murdering both of them. In the meantime, Aaron his become a devious minister. He is busy tending to his flock, thinning them out, planning their demise, killing them one at a time, but not before he has manipulated them into writing himself and the church into their will.

On the way to becoming a wealthy man, he meets and marries a beautiful Russian mail order bride, Nevenka, who is pregnant by a national war hero back home. When the child is born Aaron tries to accept the little boy, but eventually resents his intrusion into his life. Just as discontentment creeps into their marriage Nevenka's Russian lover turns up unexpectedly. Now, she has a reason to rid herself of Aaron MacAffie. Against her lover's wishes, she plots to kill her husband and take his wealth for herself.

By now the law is closing in on MacAffie's murderous ways and the authorities are set to arrest him. In addition to all this, the Sons of Ireland have tracked down the last remaining MacAffie and are ready to bring their business to an end.

In short, things are not looking good for Aaron MacAffie.

About the Author

Howard A. Losness is the author of over a dozen fictional novels, has written and illustrated seven children?s books and is an artist. He has a master?s degree in clinical psychology and worked for two years in the Clinical Psychology Department for the U.S. Army. He plays the tuba and has been the president of his own commercial real estate company for the past 40 years.