WORDS in Bloom

Soulful Thoughts of One Woman's Journey

by Juanita Pittman-Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/12/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9780595672035
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9780595798261
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9780595351251

About the Book

Amidst the Orchids Ola

I stand and view
In awe the flowers across the way,
Wearing between the spray
Limbs of green and brown
Leaves flow from the branches,
As the blossoms spread to bare
Sweet fragrance on the wind
Colors wind within the blooms,
And share a sweet perfume
To dazzle all my senses
Before the flower dies
I stand unable to look beyond
The beauty amidst the orchids
It is no secret that the delicate bouquet
Is as fragile as it is fair
I look across the way,
And see beyond the petals and the green
Amidst the orchids,
I stand so close and yet so far
To view the petals on display
Amidst the orchids
I stand in awe
Of the petals, the fragrance, and the day

About the Author

Spanning more than four decades, Juanita Pittman-Brown shares her many and varied life experiences in her first book of inspirational poetry, Words in Bloom. From the forward-looking poem, she penned for her high school graduation to more recent reflections on love, loss, and forgiveness, Juanita always leaves her readers with hope and optimism for a better tomorrow. It is Juanita's prayer that her writings "touch your heart; inspire your soul; linger with you in sweet memories; and remind you of the goodness of life, hope of life eternal, and everlasting peace to come."