How Nonprofits have lost their way and some essentials to bring them back

by Gary R. Snyder



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/14/2006

Recognition Programs

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9780595817511
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9780595373543

About the Book

The nonprofit sector has lost its way. In spite of pristine motives, an increasing number of leaders and agencies are tainting the sector's good name with wrongdoing that few want to acknowledge. The harm of these misdeeds is truly startling.

Nonprofits: On the Brink is a hard-hitting exposé of the nonprofit world as few people know it with a abstract of its shortfalls.

Award-winning lecturer and consultant Gary Snyder guides you through a step-by-step, no-nonsense offering to counter the assortment of weaknesses critical to a nonprofit organization's survival.

"Nonprofits: On the Brink should be read by all of us Gary Snyder's call for systemic change should be heeded This book goes beyond mere criticism, providing some important advice and guidelines that can improve nonprofit performance."
-Pablo Eisenberg, noted author and lecturer; columnist, The Chronicle of Philanthropy; senior fellow, Georgetown University

"Nonprofits: On the Brink is a recommended read for anyone who is currently serving or wants to serve as a director an excellent primer on the legal issues."
-David Nims, Nonprofit Attorney; Chairperson, Society of Nonprofit Organizations

"Gary Snyder's cutting edge and insightful analysis of nonprofits is needed at this critical time His expertise in this field is unmatched."
-Judge Fred M. Mester, President, Pontiac Alumni Foundation

"Gary Snyder pulls no punches his urgent advice should be taken seriously."
-Gary Dembs, CFRE-President-Association of Fundraising Professionals-Greater Detroit Chapter

About the Author

As a former CEO of a hospital system and an accomplished consultant, Gary Snyder shares his wealth of experience and unique perspective in Nonprofits: On the Brink.

He's been cited in the New York Times, the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Atlanta Journal Constitution, St. Petersburg Times, Responsive Philanthropy, Portfolio Magazine, Virgin Islands Daily News, NANKAI (China) Business Review, The Sun News, Palm Beach Post, Oakland Press, Detroit Free Press, Nonprofit World, PNN Online, Ohio Nonprofit Resources, Michigan Nonprofit Management Manual, Michigan Nonprofit, Corp! Magazine, Crain's Nonprofit