The Er-Dan Stories

by Jeffrey Redmond



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/29/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9780595132010

About the Book

A choice follow up to the Er-Dan books series. This work continues on with stories of that far away future planet.

Now a part of The Imperium and its control of so many planets in the Galaxy, the planet of the three moons has its newly established Terran Colony. Migrants and transplants from Earth, they have come to the planet to establish new lives.

These stories tell of their lives amongst themselves, other beings from other planets, and their endless efforts at survival. The more violent and erotic aspects of both human and other humanoid natures are fully realized and discussed. Their stories enhance, entertain, and enlighten to the fullest extent. A wide variety of tales of adventure, romance, war, eroticism, sexuality, and survivalism. True to life descriptions of first person accounts. How and why the inhabitants were able to cope with the uncertainty and insanity of inter-galactic struggle for power and order, dominance and control.

Thrilling, enthralling, instructing, and developing. A must for every beyond the normal science fiction library.

About the Author

Jeffrey Redmond is a writer for various newspapers and magazines. He has worked in factories, school classrooms, river boats, corporate buildings, airports, publication places, college academic centers, governmental bureaucracies, and home offices. His military service includes time spent in both army and navy reserves. He is a member of writers organizations, and has authored several books of both fiction and non-fiction.