The Soul's Journey

Guidance from the Divine Within

by Lawrence Edwards Ph.D. Foreword by Stephen Larsen Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/30/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9780595126484
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 286
ISBN : 9781469715056

About the Book

THE SOUL'S JOURNEY: GUIDANCE FROM THE DIVINE WITHIN propels the reader onto a breathtaking visionary quest as the soul's longing to know the Divine is answered by the loving power of Grace. Dr. Edwards uses his personal mystical experiences to gradually unfold the tasks to be mastered and the lessons to be learned as we tread our individual path to the Divine. His wisdom is grounded in both direct experience as well as in the knowledge of Jungian archetypal psychology, Eastern and Western mysticism and mythology. The book presents a rich interweaving of personal trials and challenges, insights from poet saints and mystics, uplifting experiences of the Divine being discovered in everyday life, and lofty overviews of the spiritual terrain from different vantage points. The reader will have the good fortune to find their faith and their enthusiasm for treading their path delightfully boosted by what they encounter in this book. Joseph Chilton Pearce, noted author and lecturer on human development whose books include THE MAGICAL CHILD, THE MAGICAL CHILD MATURES and EVOLUTION’S END: "You have a treasure chest of experience - so rich a story.... The only one worth telling - the only game in town." Dr. Marion Woodman, the highly regarded Jungian analyst, author of numerous works and co-author of DANCING IN THE FLAMES: THE DARK GODDESS IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: "I find your descriptions of your experiences fascinating. I really feel that blackness - radiant blackness [of Kali] - you describe. Also your descriptions and explanations and in-depth experiences of the chakras are excellent. Many thanks for sharing this with me. I know it can be of value to many who are working so hard to bring East and West, body and mind together." Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology, author of Spiritual Dimensions of Healing and editor of Dreamscaping: "...Edwards' first person accounts are riveting. [His] descriptions of his Kundalini states are eloquent, including colorful descriptions of his imagery (olfactory and tactile as well as visual and auditory) and profound insights into the human condition. …Edwards skillfully guides his readers through a pathway on which he has been an experienced traveler." (AHP Perspective, Sept/Oct 2001)

About the Author

Lawrence Edwards, Ph.D. was the assistant executive director of a Jungian psychiatric treatment center. He was honored as a University Scholar at Temple University where he was awarded his Ph.D. in psychoeducational processes. His doctoral research was on the mystical power of transformation called Kundalini in the yogic paradigm. Currently he is a clinical instructor on the faculty of New York Medical College and maintains a private practice in Westchester County, NY and Cincinnati Ohio. He offers retreats and courses on meditation, mysteries of the Divine Feminine, mindfulness, Buddhist wisdom and practices, peak performance training and more. Dr. Edwards is the Founder & Director of The Anam Cara Foundation, a 501 (C) 3 non-profit educational organization dedicated to making meditation practices available to everyone. will take you to the site where there are free MP3 files of guided meditations and written meditation instructions. Dr. Edwards has been the president of the Kundalini Research Network since 2005 and has organized conferences on Kundalini for that not-for-profit organization. The publisher Sounds True has produced a new collection of 6 audio CDs titled Awakening Kundalini: The Path to Radical Freedom (2012). Sounds True also included his work in an anthology on Kundalini titled Kundalini Rising (2009). These are available from and He is known for his ability to pass on the power of meditation and for his profound love and respect for the Divine, especially the Divine Feminine. He has spent nearly thirty years practicing and teaching meditation. He has run meditation centers and an ashram in the United States and taught meditation at centers in Canada and India as well. For more information on events and resources on Kundalini, meditation, spirituality and more, please visit