Real Talk: Lessons in Uncommon Sense

Nurturing Potential & Inspiring Excellence In Young People

by Adolph Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/14/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9780595631421
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9780595530861

About the Book

Dr. Adolph Brown has been reviewed and rated as a top-ranked educator and trainer from America's best colleges and universities. He is in the top 1% of world-class scholar teachers based on teaching performance, teaching awards, published evaluations, newspaper write-ups, and other sources. Doc's lectures are often described as that once-in-a-lifetime experience. As a Master Teacher, Doc is a gifted scholar, explainer, enthusiast, communicator – and yes, an entertainer. His ideas have been described as intoxicating as a new love.

And possibly a brief quote about the book from Reg Weaver, former President of the National Education Association. I would like you to add a brief synopsis of the book for the back cover as well.

"Dr. Adolph Brown believes, as I do, that every young person can achieve. He is driven to reach out to youngsters who are falling and failing. And he is inspired to explore ways to help all children reach their full potential."

Reg Weaver
National Education Association

"Although I believe that there is no one "cookbook quick fix" approach to teaching our young, this one book does a great job of helping adults bring out the teacher within us all."

John Hicks
Ret. Superintendent, Sussex County Public Schools

"I use this text to supplement my classroom lectures. The 'lightness' of the text helps my students understand that there are no pat answers or foolproof blueprints for teaching. This book is easy-to-read, engaging, enjoyable, and also contains profound knowledge."

William Young
Professor, Hampton University

About the Author

Dr. Adolph “Doc” Brown, a nationally renowned speaker, shares real life strategies for educators and parents to connect with and inspire young people.