Mythological Images of the Feminine

by Christine Downing



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/28/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781462095025
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9780595467747

About the Book

In a series of chapters each focusing on a different goddess or mythical woman, Christine Downing traces her own path of individuation from maiden-daughter to mature woman. A therapist, university professor of religion, and former president of the American Academy of Religion, she writes what is essentially an autobiography with an inner focus on her dreams and fantasies, and their meanings to her. She writes in a direct and intimate way, using to great bit effortless effect her deep culture and wide learning. —The Journal of Analytical Psychology

About the Author

Christine Downing, emeritus professor of religious studies at San Diego State University, currently teaches at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. Her many other books include Gods in Our Midst, Women’s Mysteries, Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love, The Luxury of Afterwards, Preludes, and Gleanings.